
The NH Homeless and Housing Stabilization Training & Resource Library was planned and vetted by experts from the following groups and organizations:
NH Great Seal

NH Council on Housing Stability

Established in November 2020, the NH Council on Housing Stability (NHCHS) brings together a broad base of diverse stakeholders for the purposes of creating and implementing a plan to create housing stability for all citizens of the State of NH.

New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services (NH DHHS)
NH Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Homeless Services

The NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Bureau of Homeless Services (BHS) strives to end homelessness in NH through a collaborative approach to ensure that all people experiencing homelessness obtain permanent housing and self-sufficiency. BHS works with communities to develop programs and services for people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. These services are offered at the local level through community partners and service providers.

Community Development Finance Authority
Community Development Finance Authority

The Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA) is a statewide nonprofit public authority in NH that maximizes the value and impact of community, economic, and clean energy development through various financial and technical resources, including grants, loans, and equity programs. They envision economically and socially resilient communities that respect their natural surroundings and provide vibrant places to live, work, and play. CDFA invests in the people of NH by enabling partners to make sustainable changes, meeting community needs, and offering innovative development finance and technical assistance.

NH Coalition to End Homelessness
NH Coalition to End Homelessness

The NH Coalition to End Homelessness (NHCEH) is a nonprofit organization that works in collaboration with entities serving those experiencing homelessness across NH, advocates for solutions to end homelessness, educates providers on best practices, and empowers all NH citizens to advocate on behalf of their neighbors experiencing homelessness.

NH Homeless and Housing Stabilization Training & Resource Library
NH Homeless and Housing Stabilization Training & Resource Library Advisory Group

The Advisory Group is comprised of passionate housing and homelessness experts across the state of New Hampshire. Membership includes local professionals from community and professional organizations with both regional and statewide reach.

Explore the Library

The NH Homeless and Housing Stabilization Training & Resource Library is your hub for best practices for providing homeless and housing supports
in New Hampshire.